MeOCRLib.Puma DLL API Reference


This is the interface for the meocr100.dll. Included are four example projects. Two are written in C# the other two in VB.Net. Please refer to the examples along with this document to implement the library in your application. As you can see in the sample code below MeOCRLib has been designed to be as simple as possible to use. Both examples below are fully functional programs. Most of the code is boiler plate. The actual code that calls MeOCRLib is contained in just a few calls:



Puma ocrPuma = new Puma();               //Declare a new instance of engine

ocrPuma.Init();                          //Initialize the engine

rText = ocrPuma.Recognize(imgPuma);      //Recognize the image and return the text output



Dim ocrPuma As New MeOCRLib.Puma         //Declare a new instance of engine

ocrPuma.Init()                           //Initialize the engine

rText = ocrPuma.Recognize(imgPuma)       //Recognize the image and return the text output


Below are two of the examples provided:


C# Example:


namespace CSharpEx_01


    public partial class frmCSharpEx_01 : Form


        public frmCSharpEx_01()





        private void frmCSharpEx_01_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


        //Declare a new instance og engine

        Puma ocrPuma = new Puma();


        //Declare a few needed varaibles

        Image imgPuma;

        string rText;

        string FileName;

        FileName = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()[0]) + @"\Sample_02.tif";


        //Initialize the engine


        //Load the image

        imgPuma = Image.FromFile(FileName);

        //Set the language

        ocrPuma.Language = 0;      // 0 for English      

        //Set output format

        ocrPuma.OutputFormat = 2;  // Formatted text

        //Recognize the image

        rText = ocrPuma.Recognize(imgPuma);

        //Close the engine







VB.NET Example:


Public Class VBasicEx_01


    Private Sub VBasicEx_01_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

        'Declare a new instance og engine

        Dim ocrPuma As New MeOCRLib.Puma


        'Declare a few needed varaibles

        Dim imgPuma As Image

        Dim rText As String

        Dim FileName As String

        FileName = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()(0)) & "\sample_02.tif"


        'Initialize the engine


        'Load the image

        imgPuma = Image.FromFile(FileName)

        'Set the language

        ocrPuma.Language = 0      ' 0 for English      

        'Set output format

        ocrPuma.OutputFormat = 2  ' Formatted text

        'recognize the image

        rText = ocrPuma.Recognize(imgPuma)

        'Close the engine



    End Sub


End Class



Class Constructor:



    public Puma()




            Used to create a new instance of Puma OCR Engine.




            Puma ocrPuma = new Puma();



Class Members:



    public bool Init(MeOCRLib.Puma.ProgressStepPtr pStep = null)   




            Used to initialize a new instance of Puma OCR Engine. Must  be called right after creation new

            instance is created.




            pStep: is an optional parameter and is the name of your callback delegate function for displaying the OCR             progress. See documentation and examples of ProgressStepPtr below for details.







    public void Close()




            Used to close an instance of Puma OCR Engine. Should be called at program exit to clean up.






    public string Recognize(System.Drawing.Image SrcImg, [System.Drawing.Rectangle sRect = null])




            Used to recognize an image.




            SrcBmp: is a System.Drawing.Image object of the image.


            sRect:  is a System.Drawing.Rectangle object containing the coordinates of a zone to recognize rather than         the whole image. This parameter is optional. If it is not specified then the entire image is recognized.



            string txt = ocrPuma,Recognize(imgPuma);


    public string Recognize(System.Drawing.Bitmap SrcBmp, [System.Drawing.Rectangle sRect = null])




            Used to recognize an image.




            SrcBmp: is a System.Drawing.Bitmap object of the image.


            sRect:  is a System.Drawing.Rectangle object containing the coordinates of a zone to recognize rather   than the whole image. This parameter is optional. If it is not specified then the entire image is recognized.



            string txt = ocrPuma,Recognize(bmpPuma);


    public string LanguageString(short index)




            Used to get the name of the language who is assigned to the numeric value in index.




            index: is the numeric index of the language.



            string languaget = ocrPuma,LanguageString(index);



  Class Properties:



    public short Language { set; get; }




            Used to get or set the recognition language. Below is a list of values for specific languages supported.


             Languages codes:


                        ENGLISH           0

                        GERMAN           1

                        FRENCH            2

                        RUSSIAN           3

                        SWEDISH           4

                        SPANISH           5

                        ITALIAN             6

                        RUS_ENG          7

                        UKRAINIAN       8

                        SERBIAN            9

                        CROATIAN         10

                        POLISH              11

                        DANISH             12

                        PORTUGUESE    13

                        DUTCH              14

                        DIG                   15

                        UZBEK               16

                        KAZ                  17

                        KAZ_ENG           18

                        CZECH              19

                        ROMAN            20

                        HUNGAR           21

                        BULGAR            22

                        SLOVENIAN       23

                        LATVIAN            24

                        LITHUANIAN      25

                        ESTONIAN         26

                        TURKISH           27



            ocrPuma.Language = 0;



    public short OutputFormat { set; get; }




            Used to get or set the recognized text output format.


             Output format codes:


                        RAW                  0

                        PLAIN                1

                        FORMATTED      2

                        RTF                   3



            ocrPuma.OutputFormat = 0;



    public short UnrecogChar { set; get; }




            Used to get or set the character ASCII code to be used when a character is unrecognized.



            ocrPuma.Language = 128;




Class Delegate:


    public delegate void ProgressStepPtr(int step, string stepName, int lPercent)




            The callback delegate used as an event to update the OCR progress.  





            void pStep(int step, string stepName, int lPercent)


                 // Update the progress



Format Descriptions:


    Plain: This format outputs plain text with no structure or formatting.


    Formatted: This format outputs text with formatting preserved.


    RTF: This format outputs text with formatting preserved and rtf codes.


    Raw: This format species the coordinates and attributes for each character. Refer to Figure 1 below as you read this section.


            Each character's information is delimited by a carriage return (\r or vbCr).

            Each property member of a character is delimited by ASCII code (01).


            The first item in the format data is the number of records in the data. in the example below there are 10 character records
            in the data. Each record consists of 8  values as follows:


            1- Character value

            2 - Left position in pixels

            3 - Top position in pixels

            4 - Right position in pixels

            5 - Bottom position in pixels

            6 - Internal Value

            7 - Internal Value

            8 - Internal Value


            If the "Character value" is a {32)  it is the end of a word.

            If the "Character value" is a {02)  it is the end of a line fragment. A line fragment is a group of words on a line                         separated by single spaces. In the line below there are 3 line fragments. Notice there is more than one space
            between the line fragments.


            This is line fragment 1          This is line fragment 2          This is line fragment 3


            Figure 1.


            10(\r or vbCr)  <--------------------------------- Specifies the number of records to follow.

            E(01)665(01)201(01)697(01)236(01)22(01)4(01)1(\r or vbCr)

            n(01)700(01)209(01)733(01)235(01)22(01)4(01)1(\r or vbCr)

            d(01)736(01)198(01)771(01)236(01)22(01)4(01)1(\r or vbCr)

            {32) (01)0(01)0(01)0(01)0(01)0(01)0(01)0(\r or vbCr)

            h(01)771(01)209(01)802(01)236(01)22(01)4(01)1(\r or vbCr)

            o (01)807(01)209(01)838(01)235(01)22(01)4(01)1(\r or vbCr)

            r(01)843(01)209(01)871(01)236(01)22(01)4(01)1(\r or vbCr)

            s(01)876(01)208(01)907(01)235(01)22(01)4(01)1(\r or vbCr)

            e(01)908(01)208(01)946(01)234(01)22(01)4(01)1(\r or vbCr)

            {32) (01)0(01)0(01)0(01)0(01)0(01)0(01)0(\r or vbCr)

            {02) (01)0(01)0(01)0(01)0(01)0(01)0(01)0(\r or vbCr)



Here is some sample code for parsing the Raw Format. This code can also be found in the example programs provided:


C# Example:



//Demonstrates parsing of Raw Format


void ParseResults(string chars)


    int numItems = -1;


    if (chars != "")


        string[] charToks = chars.Split('\r');


        foreach (string Tok in charToks)


            if (numItems == -1)


                numItems = Convert.ToInt32(Tok);





                string[] TokData = Tok.Split('\x01');

                if (TokData[0] != "")



                    switch (TokData[0][0])


                        case ' ':           //Specifies the end of a word.



                        case '\x02':        //Specifies the end of a line fragment.    



                        default:    //OCR character

                            char OCRChar = TokData[0][0];

                            int Left     = Convert.ToInt32(TokData[1]);

                            int Top      = Convert.ToInt32(TokData[2]);

                            int Right    = Convert.ToInt32(TokData[3]);

                            int Bottom   = Convert.ToInt32(TokData[4]);



                    }//switch (TokData[0][0])


                }//if (TokData[0] != "")


            }//if (numItems == -1)



        }//foreach (string Tok in charToks)


    }//if (chars != "")




VB.NET Example:



'Demonstrates parsing of Raw Format


Private Sub ParseResults(chars As String)

    Dim numItems As Integer = -1


    If chars <> "" Then

        Dim charToks As String() = chars.Split(ControlChars.Cr)


        For Each Tok As String In charToks

  If numItems = -1 Then

  numItems = Convert.ToInt32(Tok)



  Dim TokData As String() = Tok.Split(ChrW(1))

  If TokData(0) <> "" Then


                    Select Case TokData(0)(0)

                        Case " "

                            'Specifies the end of a word.

                            Exit Select


                        Case ChrW(2)

                            'Specifies the end of a line fragment.     

                            Exit Select


                        Case Else


                            'OCR character

                            Dim OCRChar As String = TokData(0)(0)

                            Dim Left As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(TokData(1))

                            Dim Top As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(TokData(2))

                            Dim Right As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(TokData(3))

                            Dim Bottom As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(TokData(4))

                            Exit Select


                            'switch (TokData[0][0])

                    End Select

                    'if (TokData[0] != "")

  End If

  'if (numItems == -1)


  End If

  'foreach (string Tok in charToks)


    End If

    'if (chars != "")

End Sub